Package micromod

Class Summary
Channel A Channel attemps to do a bit of Amiga hardware emulation to play ProTracker modules a bit better than most.
Compressor Compressor is an implementation of WaveShaper that utilises an efficient algorithm I found on A compressor improves the sound of distortion and so allows you to crank up the gain without things sounding too horrible.
DataReader The DataReader contains methods to convert data on an implementation of DataInput into a more useful format.
Instrument A ProTracker style instrument, supporting 8 bit mono samples, and forward looping only.
InstrumentPlayer InstrumentPlayer 0.5 This class is designed to play a ProTracker style instrument at the specified pitch The output of an object of this class has any instrument-related effects applied.
LoopDecoder LoopDecoder streams the samples of an instrument in the correct order.
MicroMod MicroMod 0.9xxx! Copyright 2002 Martin Cameron.
Mixer Mixer mixes the output of the individual channels together.
Modulator The Modulator is intended to "modulate" the pitch/volume of a Channel over time.
Module A class representing a ProTracker/NoiseTracker/FTK module,
ModuleLoader.ModFormatInfo A type for the module format information.
ProTrackerLFO An "LFO" so the Modulator can do vibrato, tremolo etc.
Sequence This class represents the sequence information contained in a ProTracker style music module.
Sequencer The Sequencer interprets a Sequence a "tick" at a time.
Synthesizer The Synthesizer represents a bunch of Modulators, each with an associated Channel.
WaveScaler The WaveScaler class reduces the amplitude of audio.
WaveShaper The WaveShaper simply provides a method for distorting (usually compressing/limiting) audio.