Package micromod.output

Interface Summary
OutputDevice An OutputDevice represents the basic functionality of an audio device.
PCM16 PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) audio consists of regularly spaced "impulses".
StreamOutputDevice A StreamOutputDevice is fed an 8 bit raw audio stream in the audio format native to the device.

Class Summary
HasAvailableOutputDevice A HasAvailableOutputDevice has an internal buffer whose status can be determined at any time.
JavaSoundOutputDevice An OutputDevice for the Java1.3 audio system.
OSSOutputDevice The OSSOutputDevice provides audio output for pre-1.3 Java VMs by outputing directly to the Linux native audio subsystem.
PCM16StreamOutputDevice A PCM16StreamOutputDevice can be fed a 16 bit stereo audio stream, which is automatically converted to the native PCM format of the device.

Exception Summary
OutputDeviceException General output device exception.